New brews!
We have been busy brewing and we are happy to introduce the newest member in our IPA family, the OoO Session IPA (1st Edition). This lightweight beast is brewed to keep in mind our fellow Finns, that struggle with Finnish monopoly, where all above 4,7% beers must be sold in state monopoly owned store. But wait, there’s more! Right after this, we also brewed a 2nd edition! Like your own kids, we love them both – you decide which one you like the best. They should all be pretty awesome!
We were also busy brewing a collaboration with our friends from Ruosniemi Brewery. We continued our saga with ancient brews by making a traditional Finnish beer style, Sahti. This is not just any Sahti, this one is matured in Laphroaig Quarter Cask oak. We introduced Vientiassistentti Islay Sahti at Suuret Oluet, Pienet Panimot -craft beer festival in Helsinki.
There’s also something else brewing, which is our classic West Coast style IPA, as known as the Investor IPA. This will be on tap in Finland pretty soon, we’ll let you know the details later.
Brewing test batches

Our brewhouse
We bought our brewhouse and luckily we have been able to brew several test brews on site where it was bought. Excited to tell you that it works like a charm and is just perfect for Sori Brewing. The last two test brews we are going to brew in a week, then we start planning the move of the brewhouse. That’s something we are very anxious about, let’s keep our fingers crossed!
Moving to Tallinn
As we are soon in that point we need every man from this trio full time, we have all moved to Tallinn. This is something we are very excited about, since Estonian beer culture is evolving very fast and there are even more great craft beer restaurants than there are in Helsinki. We also look forward to work full time with Sori, which is essential since there’s a lot of paperwork and building to do. After moving the brewhouse, our next biggest goal is to finish the brewery premises and invite you all over to share the excitement!