We have great news! In less than a week, we have raised over $ 90 000 (68 000 €) $ 138 000 (100 000 €) through crowdfunding! The share issue opened last week and it looks like people really want to be Sori Brewing owners. The most popular investment level has been the Investor Dubbel $ 3400 (2500 €) and the biggest single investment this far has been $ 17 000 (12 500 €). With this rate, we see it very promising that the shares can be fully subscribed.
This means, that with a help of a loan, we could start a regular craft brewery right now! However, we are not building just a regular brewery. We want do something big and scalable, which is why our goals are much higher.
[pullquote align=”right”]Crowdfunding is a great opportunity not just to raise money, but to communicate and serve your customers better.[/pullquote]If you know breweries like J Wakefield and BrewDog, you also know that a crowdfunding is a great opportunity not just to raise money, but to communicate and serve your customers better. We want people around us as much as possible from the start. In return, we will offer dividends & share value and of course, lifetime discounts from our webstore, shops and bar(s), and many other things depending how much you are investing.
During the next weeks, we are going to scout our future premises, start working with the Estonian subsidiary and touring across Finland.
We are also arranging tasting events where you can hear about the share issue and taste our prototype beers. You can read more about the reception of our beers from the Finnish blogs listed under (in Finnish).
In conclusion, go and check out our share issue at www.soribrewing.com/osakeanti (for now, only in Finnish). You don’t want to miss this one, because like it or not, this brewery is happening! If you have any hesitations or questions, you can contact us at brewery@soribrewing.com
[hr]Sori Brewing in Finnish Media
- Kauppalehti: Ministerin pelottelu syynä – Suomalaispanimo Viroon
- Verkkouutiset: Suomalaispanimo Viroon ministerin pelottelun vuoksi
- Suomen Yrittäjät: Pelottelukulttuuri työnsi panimomiehet Viroon
- JaskanKaljat: Sori Brewing aloitti osakeannin rymisten
- Tyttö ja tuoppi: Raportti Sori Brewingin protoillasta
- Onnibus-asiakaslehti, Onnikas 3/13
- Tuopillinen: Sori Brewing Investor Porter
- Aviisi: Päiväkaljalla -haastattelu
- JaskanKaljat: Suomalaiset pienpanimot tutuksi
- JaskanKaljat: Sori Brewing Investor IPA -arvio
- Smetana.fi: Sori Brewing – syntynyt kansainväliseksi
- Kaunis Humala: Suomen Olutexpo 2013: Brewdog, Sori Brewing ja parikymmentä olutta
- Olutkellari: Oluton Festarit 2013 – Lauantai
- YLE Radio: Suomalaispanimo syntyy Viroon
Sori Brewing in Estonian Media
- Postimees: Soome väiketootja rajab õlletehase Eestisse
- Eesti Päeväleht: Soome õllepruulija tuleb Eestisse konkurentide abiga
- Äripäev Tööstusuutised: Soome ettevõtjad rajavad Eestisse õlletehase
- Äripäev Tööstusuutised: Loe intervjuud soomlastega, kes rajavad Eestisse õlletootmise!
- Äripäev Tööstusuutised: Enn Parel: Eestis on toimumas õllerevolutsioon
- Äripäev: Saku: ootame põnevusega uusi tulijaid