1.) Use social apps
Untappd is a very popular beer app, even for craft beer newbies. You can rate beer you drank and tap where you enjoyed that. This is a great way to let people know where to get that particular beer and to give your opinion if it’s worth enjoying. Also a great app for making your beer experience more social. You can follow Sori Brewing on Untappd.
Another new and raising app is Pint Please, which is from Finnish developers. Currently only for iOS devices, but if you have one, look it up.
2.) Share in Social Media
We produce our blog on our website and other good content on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. Sharing and liking these posts raises peoples awareness that there’s a brewery like Sori Brewing. Also, we like to think we produce good content, so people appreciate when you share!
Every now and then, our posts go viral. Our Finnish post on alcohol legislation got over 100 000 readers. This is just because people share posts they like.
Pro tip: Take photos! It’s a fact that people are more likely to like and share content with pictures. We also like to share photo posts by people who have enjoyed our beers, whether it was in Instagram or in Twitter.
3.) Vote in polls
Restaurants, events and such may have a voting system for “favorite brewery” or “favorite beer”. Always worth voting, since votes get you publicity.
This also applies to all titles, like “the best beer in the world”, there are plenty of those kind of competitions. Some may see them irrelevant, but in many cases those can make the news.
4.) Rate beers
Ratebeer.com is a good international portal for hardcore beer lovers. There you can give your opinion how you liked the beer and the scale goes from 1-5, depending on how you rate the sub-categories. There’s a twisty algorithm behind what is the final rating and usually the more you get ratings, more relevant the overall points are.
In countries like Finland and Estonia, there are still only a few people who like to rate beers. Rating hobby is more popular in the US and UK. In Finland, there’s Olutopas.info, which also has some active raters.
5.) Word of mouth
Now to the most important one. We all love that somebody shows passion on what they drink and have some story to tell. That’s why we always share the story behind our beers, like the ones behind Investor IPA or OoO Session IPA.
Nothing is stronger than recommending a beer to a friend. How about calling your friend right now and go for a beer? Probably you could enjoy something you recommend.