Sori Brewing raised over 450 000 EUR (625 000 USD) through an equity based crowdfunding, that is a some sort of record in Finland (so we heard). We also got awesome people behind us who are driven to take Sori to the next level of craft brewing. Most of the new investors have now received their stocks and papers.
As people living in Finland may have noticed, media has covered us quite well. There have been dozens stories on business newspapers, journals and even some international crowdfunding magazines have noticed us. Sori CEO, Pyry Hurula, was even interviewed on a Finland’s number one morning talk show.
What happens next?
Now we are in a phase that we hate – waiting. We have made an offer for the property, an offer for the brewhouse and we also have many of our distribution channels figured out. Now majority of things are on the hands of others, but when we have the agreements, we’ll start building the actual brewery. We believe that we will have some good news in the beginning of May.

Visiting potential brewery property
Currently we are building our webstore, which will be something we are putting a real effort in. Since two of our founders have a strong background in e-commerce, this won’t be just another webstore.
New brews coming up!
Of course, we have some new brews coming up! Sori Investor Double IPA came out in end of March and people loved its strong strawberry notes and balanced bitterness. People also grave for a our IPA, so we’ll give you what you want. Next batches of Sori IPA coming up this Spring.
In addition, more experimental stuff is coming up through collaboration. We can give you a hint that it will be a very old German beer style with a real twist. So have your taste buds ready for some action! Also, we are trying to get some of our beers outside Finland, since people have been asking this a lot. Probably not the next batches, but very soon.
Some action for investors
Since our investors are very enthusiastic and active people, we are launching a portal for them where they can collaborate, share and be more part of Sori’s everyday action. This should be ready by Summer. Next investor events coming up when the brewery progress. Currently we have opened the v.0.1 pre-version for shareholders and the information regarding that has mailed to home.
Special thanks
Craft beer is a business where you gain competitiveness through people and that’s something where we are very lucky. Not only our three musketeers, but people around Sori Brewing: Advisory Board, investors, fans and friends. We thank you all for making this possible! Next up, let’s conquer the world.